From fresh to funky.

A whole lotta designs.

Hi there, I’m Nicholas.

I love making things! It’s always been a passion of mine to make something more than the sum of its parts. The sense of satisfaction from developing a website starting with an empty folder, whipping up a full brand from a blank Illustrator canvas, or even making the perfect soup from leftover chicken bones can’t be matched. I work with mostly base vanilla tools to give you the most resource efficient, personalized and premium results possible.

I hope you enjoy browsing my website! Don’t forget to send me an email and check out my educational Github while you’re at it!

Peace and love,

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Table of contents:


Food Is Good.

I set out this project to improve my hand-drawn vector abilities. I sketched a series of fresh foods in a fresh, fun and cheerful style and colorway to look quite just as tasty as they are healthy!

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Archi­tectural Line­works.

I set out this project to improve my hand-drawn vector abilities. I sketched a series of my favorite brutalist monuments to practice precise line movements and minimal colorways. The 'inked' line style is remenescent of when I would draw as a child with a Bic pen!

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FIRST Archi­tectural Student Folder

I was tasked to come up with a sketch for the new student folders to be printed out and distributed to the new cohorts when starting classes.

They wanted to draw attention to the new facilities and comissioned me based on my achitectural linework experience.

I took photos of the outside and sketched a reference. Using Adobe Fresco, I created hand-drawn vector lines to preserve the human line aberration which I believed would make the outcome look pleasant and inline with the desired feelings given in the prompt. All assets were used and created by myself.

FIRST specifically wanted three color versions, a realistic colorway, a 'pop art', flashy model, and one they simply referred to as 'graphic-y'.

Once complete, the marketing team selected the 'pop art' style and imposed it onto the folder backing. The following images are from the creation and development with the final product at the end.

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FIRST Honors Program T-Shirt

I was comissioned to illustrate a 'simple, effective tee shirt design that will promote our honors program and inspire students to join.'

I created the illustrations in Adobe Illustrator. It was then textured and finalized in Photoshop.

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Branding - Where Do We Begin

Miscellaneous branding assets made for a clean out and organization business.

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